Monday, December 20, 2010

Modern Kitchen

Stainless Steel Appliances, , Reclaimed Soapstone countertops, Ikea base cabinets, Custom floating Walnut shelves with inmounted LED lights, 100 Year old barnboard T&G ceiling, Ikea and reclaimed wood shelves (on right, we like to call it the great 2010 Ikea hack), and Bamboo floor.

Monday, December 06, 2010

Yogablok on Etsy

Yogablok supports your connection to the floor while you practice. Use it in the classroom or at your home studio.  This is the lightest wood yoga block on the market and is designed to perform for generations.

All bloks are hollow and made of reclaimed wood from construction projects. This limited edition of bloks also uses locally harvested woods: Poplar, Cherry, Walnut, Pine, Cedar, Fir, Cypruss, and (not local) Bamboo. Finished with organic linseed oil and beeswax.  Dimensions: 9"X5"X3.5"